By Ivan Pereira
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn shot back at opponents behind a campaign commercial attacking her Monday.
A super PAC run by several groups, including Local 1180, the telecommunications workers union, ran ads yesterday accusing Quinn of ignoring the working class and flip-flopping on term limits and the sick-leave bill.
In an email to her campaign supporters, Quinn accused her political rivals of using the PAC to bolster its coffers through mudslinging.
“My opponents’ allies think they can circumvent the campaign finance system to try and tip the balance in this election — they’re wrong,” she wrote.
The commercial, by a PAC called New York City is Not For Sale 2013, showed Quinn’s head surrounded by smoke and accused her of aligning herself with “the 1%.”
“When the smoke lifts, all that’s clear is her political ambition,” the voice-over says.
Quinn’s campaign spokesman said Democratic candidate Public Advocate Bill de Blasio has ties to some of the super PACs members.
De Blasio, however, denied Monday being involved with the group or its ads.
“I resent Christine Quinn or her spokesperson making an allegation that is not true,” he told reporters.