City ad campaign warns about energy drink dangers


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By Ivan Pereira

A city health department ad campaign is trying to help New Yorkers lay off the sugary drinks beyond large sodas.

The “Sound Healthy” commercials and bus and subway posters warn about the dangers of many juices and other fruit-flavored beverages.

Health Commissioner Thomas Farley said too many New Yorkers are fooled by drink companies promoting their products as healthy when the opposite is true.

“A 20-ounce lemonade delivers 67 grams of sugar and 260 calories, more than a typical soft drink,” he said in a statement.

A Health Department survey found nine of the top 10 neighborhoods with the highest obesity rates citywide also had the highest sugary drink consumption.

Since 2002, the number of adult New York diabetics rose to 650,000, an increase of 200,000, according to the health department.