The inside story on how a promotional web site sparked interest for a marvelous feature.
Category: Podcast
Podcast: In search of a collector
The inside story on how I was able to write about the city’s biggest Simpsons fan.
Podcast: Rub a dub dub, thanks for the story
The inside story on Williamsburg’s tub for sale.
Podcast: One man can make a difference
In crime stories, there are always more angles than just the information provided by the authorities.
Podcast: Behind the scenes on gang series
Kevin Miller’s death shed a new light on the gang situation in southeast Queens.
Podcast: The accidental feature
This week’s podcast will analyze how I reported the 2009 Vendys.
Podcast-Facebook can be a reporter’s best friend
In this week’s podcast I will explore how the use of social networking Web sites can help in writing a news piece.
Podcast episode 1: Intro
Welcome to my first podcast.